Accuracy Testing
from __future__ import division
import sqlite3
import time
conn = sqlite3.connect('knowledgeBase.db')
conn.text_factory = str
c = conn.cursor()
negativeWords = []
positiveWords = []
sql = "SELECT * FROM wordVals WHERE value = ?"
def loadWordArrays():
for negRow in c.execute(sql, [(-1)]):
print 'negative words loaded'
for posRow in c.execute(sql, [(1)]):
print 'positive words loaded'
def testPositiveSentiment():
readFile = open('positiveSentiment.txt','r').read()
splitRead = readFile.split('\n')
totalExamples = len(splitRead)
posExamplesFound = 0
for eachPosExample in splitRead:
sentCounter = 0
for eachPosWord in positiveWords:
if eachPosWord in eachPosExample:
sentCounter += 1
for eachNegWord in negativeWords:
if eachNegWord in eachPosExample:
sentCounter -= 1
#print eachPosExample
#print sentCounter
#print '____________________'
if sentCounter > 0:
posExamplesFound += 1
print ''
print '________________________________'
print ' Positive Sentiment Accuracy Results:'
print 'found examples:', posExamplesFound
print 'out of a total:', totalExamples
print 'postivie accuracy:',posExamplesFound/totalExamples*100
print '________________________________'
def testNegativeSentiment():
readFile2 = open('negativeSentiment.txt','r').read()
splitRead2 = readFile2.split('\n')
totalExamples = len(splitRead2)
negExamplesFound = 0
for eachNegExample in splitRead2:
sentCounter2 = 0
for eachPosWord in positiveWords:
if eachPosWord in eachNegExample:
sentCounter2 += 1
for eachNegWord in negativeWords:
if eachNegWord in eachNegExample:
sentCounter2 -= 8
#print eachNegExample
#print sentCounter2
#print '____________________'
if sentCounter2 < 0:
negExamplesFound += 1
print ''
print ''
print ''
print '________________________________'
print ' Negative Sentiment Accuracy Results:'
print 'found negative examples:', negExamplesFound
print 'out of a total of :', totalExamples
print 'negative accuracy:',negExamplesFound/totalExamples*100
print '________________________________'
The next tutorial: