Rolling Apply and Mapping Functions - p.15 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial

This data analysis with Python and Pandas tutorial is going to cover two topics. First, within the context of machine learning, we need a way to create "labels" for our data. Second, we're going to cover mapping functions and the rolling apply capability with Pandas.

Creating labels is essential for the supervised machine learning process, as it is used to "teach" or train the machine correct answers that are associated with features.

Mapping functions to a Pandas Dataframe is useful, to write custom formulas that you wish to apply to the entire dataframe, a certain column, or to create a new column. If you recall, a while back, we made new columns by doing something like df['Column2'] = df['Column1']*1.5, and so on. If you wanted to create far more logically intense operations, however, you would want to write a function. We will show how to do that.

Since mapping functions is one of the two major ways that users can dramatically customize what Pandas can do, we might as well cover the second major way, which is with rolling_apply. This allows us to do a moving window application of a function. We will just write a moving average function, but you could do just about anything you wanted.

To start, we will have some code like:

import Quandl
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import style
import numpy as np
from statistics import mean

housing_data = pd.read_pickle('HPI.pickle')
housing_data = housing_data.pct_change()

First, we're going to lead in the dataset, and then convert all columns to percent change. This will help us to normalize all of the data.


housing_data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True)
housing_data['US_HPI_future'] = housing_data['United States'].shift(-1)

Here, we replace the infinity values with nan values first. Next, we create a new column, which contains the future HPI. We can do this with a new method: .shift(). This method will shift the column in question. Shifting by -1 means we're shifting down, so the value for the next point is moved back. This is our quick way of having the current value, and the next period's value on the same row for easy comparison.

Next up, we will have some NaN data from both the percent change application and the shift, so we need to do:


Now, we want to do some sort of label creation. There are actually a couple of ways that we could do this, but, since this is a tutorial, let's cover function mapping. There is a one-liner that we could do to achieve this same result, but I don't tend to buy the hype on crazy one-liners. To map a function, it's quite simple. You just simply build a function with reasonable logic, like so:

def create_labels(cur_hpi, fut_hpi):
    if fut_hpi > cur_hpi:
        return 1
        return 0

Here, we're obviously passing the current HPI and the future HPI columns. If the future HPI is higher than the current, this means prices went up, and we are going to return a 1. This is going to be our label. If the future HPI is not greater than the current, then we return a simple 0. To map this function, we can do something like:

housing_data['label'] = list(map(create_labels,housing_data['United States'], housing_data['US_HPI_future']))

This might look like a confusing one-liner, but it doesn't need to be. It breaks down to:

new_column = list(map( function_to_map, parameter1, parameter2, ... ))

That's all there is to it, and you can continue adding more and more parameters.

                  AL        AK        AZ        AR        CA        CO  \
1990-03-31  0.003628  0.062548 -0.003033  0.005570  0.007152  0.000963   
1990-04-30  0.006277  0.095081 -0.002126  0.005257  0.005569 -0.000318   
1990-05-31  0.007421  0.112105  0.001513  0.005635  0.002409  0.004512   
1990-06-30  0.004930  0.100642  0.004353  0.006238  0.003569  0.007884   
1990-07-31  0.000436  0.067064  0.003322  0.006173  0.004351  0.004374   

                  CT        DE        FL        GA  ...          WV        WI  \
Date                                                ...                         
1990-03-31 -0.009234  0.002786 -0.001259 -0.007290  ...    0.013441  0.015638   
1990-04-30 -0.010818  0.000074  0.002675 -0.002477  ...    0.015765  0.015926   
1990-05-31 -0.010963 -0.000692  0.004656  0.002808  ...    0.017085  0.012106   
1990-06-30 -0.007302 -0.001542  0.003710  0.002857  ...    0.016638  0.010545   
1990-07-31 -0.003439 -0.004680  0.003116  0.002276  ...    0.011129  0.009425   

                  WY  United States       M30  Unemployment Rate       GDP  \
1990-03-31  0.009831       0.004019  0.090909           0.035714 -0.234375   
1990-04-30  0.016868       0.004957  0.119048          -0.068966  4.265306   
1990-05-31  0.026130       0.005260  0.117021           0.000000 -1.092539   
1990-06-30  0.029359       0.005118 -0.304762           0.074074  3.115183   
1990-07-31  0.023640       0.003516 -0.164384          -0.103448  0.441476   

               sp500  US_HPI_future  label  
1990-03-31  0.030790       0.004957      1  
1990-04-30 -0.001070       0.005260      1  
1990-05-31  0.045054       0.005118      0  
1990-06-30  0.036200       0.003516      0  
1990-07-31 -0.001226       0.000395      0  

[5 rows x 57 columns]

Next, let's show a custom way to apply a moving-window function. We're going to just do a simple moving average example:

def moving_average(values):
    ma = mean(values)
    return ma

There's our function, notice that we just pass the "values" parameter. We do not need to code any sort of "window" or "time-frame" handling, Pandas will handle that for us.

Now, you can use rolling_apply:

housing_data['ma_apply_example'] = pd.rolling_apply(housing_data['M30'], 10, moving_average)
                  AL        AK        AZ        AR        CA        CO  \
2011-07-31 -0.003545 -0.004337  0.002217  0.003215 -0.005579  0.004794   
2011-08-31 -0.006886 -0.007139  0.004283  0.000275 -0.007782  0.001058   
2011-09-30 -0.011103 -0.007609  0.003190  0.000505 -0.006537 -0.004569   
2011-10-31 -0.013189 -0.007754  0.000541  0.001059 -0.005390 -0.009231   
2011-11-30 -0.008055 -0.006551  0.005119 -0.000856 -0.003570 -0.010812   

                  CT        DE        FL        GA        ...         \
Date                                                      ...          
2011-07-31 -0.002806 -0.001084 -0.001531 -0.003036        ...          
2011-08-31 -0.010243 -0.002133  0.001438 -0.006488        ...          
2011-09-30 -0.012240 -0.004171  0.002307 -0.013116        ...          
2011-10-31 -0.013075 -0.006204 -0.001566 -0.021542        ...          
2011-11-30 -0.012776 -0.008252 -0.006211 -0.022371        ...          

                  WI        WY  United States       M30  Unemployment Rate  \
2011-07-31 -0.002068  0.001897      -0.000756 -0.008130           0.000000   
2011-08-31 -0.006729 -0.002080      -0.005243  0.057377           0.000000   
2011-09-30 -0.011075 -0.006769      -0.007180  0.031008          -0.100000   
2011-10-31 -0.015025 -0.008818      -0.008293  0.007519          -0.111111   
2011-11-30 -0.014445 -0.006293      -0.008541  0.014925          -0.250000   

                 GDP     sp500  US_HPI_future  label  ma_apply_example  
2011-07-31  0.024865  0.031137      -0.005243      0         -0.003390  
2011-08-31  0.022862 -0.111461      -0.007180      0         -0.000015  
2011-09-30 -0.039361 -0.010247      -0.008293      0          0.004432  
2011-10-31  0.018059  0.030206      -0.008541      0          0.013176  
2011-11-30  0.000562  0.016886      -0.009340      0          0.015728  

[5 rows x 58 columns]

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The next tutorial:

  • Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial Introduction
  • Pandas Basics - p.2 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • IO Basics - p.3 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Building dataset - p.4 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Concatenating and Appending dataframes - p.5 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Joining and Merging Dataframes - p.6 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Pickling - p.7 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Percent Change and Correlation Tables - p.8 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Resampling - p.9 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Handling Missing Data - p.10 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Rolling statistics - p.11 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Applying Comparison Operators to DataFrame - p.12 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Joining 30 year mortgage rate - p.13 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Adding other economic indicators - p.14 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Rolling Apply and Mapping Functions - p.15 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial
  • Scikit Learn Incorporation - p.16 Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial