Welcome to the next part of our Deep Learning with Python, TensorFlow, and Keras tutorial series. In this tutorial, we're going to continue building our cryptocurrency-price-predicting Recurrent Neural Network.
We left off with building our preprocess_df
function. We've normalized and scaled our data. Next we want to balance it.
Our code up to this point:
import pandas as pd
import random
from sklearn import preprocessing # pip install sklearn ... if you don't have it!
SEQ_LEN = 60 # how long of a preceeding sequence to collect for RNN
FUTURE_PERIOD_PREDICT = 3 # how far into the future are we trying to predict?
def classify(current, future):
if float(future) > float(current): # if the future price is higher than the current, that's a buy, or a 1
return 1
else: # otherwise... it's a 0!
return 0
def preprocess_df(df):
df = df.drop("future", 1) # don't need this anymore.
for col in df.columns: # go through all of the columns
if col != "target": # normalize all ... except for the target itself!
df[col] = df[col].pct_change() # pct change "normalizes" the different currencies (each crypto coin has vastly diff values, we're really more interested in the other coin's movements)
df.dropna(inplace=True) # remove the nas created by pct_change
df[col] = preprocessing.scale(df[col].values) # scale between 0 and 1.
df.dropna(inplace=True) # cleanup again... jic. Those nasty NaNs love to creep in.
sequential_data = [] # this is a list that will CONTAIN the sequences
prev_days = deque(maxlen=SEQ_LEN) # These will be our actual sequences. They are made with deque, which keeps the maximum length by popping out older values as new ones come in
for i in df.values: # iterate over the values
prev_days.append([n for n in i[:-1]]) # store all but the target
if len(prev_days) == SEQ_LEN: # make sure we have 60 sequences!
sequential_data.append([np.array(prev_days), i[-1]]) # append those bad boys!
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # shuffle for good measure.
main_df = pd.DataFrame() # begin empty
ratios = ["BTC-USD", "LTC-USD", "BCH-USD", "ETH-USD"] # the 4 ratios we want to consider
for ratio in ratios: # begin iteration
dataset = f'training_datas/{ratio}.csv' # get the full path to the file.
df = pd.read_csv(dataset, names=['time', 'low', 'high', 'open', 'close', 'volume']) # read in specific file
# rename volume and close to include the ticker so we can still which close/volume is which:
df.rename(columns={"close": f"{ratio}_close", "volume": f"{ratio}_volume"}, inplace=True)
df.set_index("time", inplace=True) # set time as index so we can join them on this shared time
df = df[[f"{ratio}_close", f"{ratio}_volume"]] # ignore the other columns besides price and volume
if len(main_df)==0: # if the dataframe is empty
main_df = df # then it's just the current df
else: # otherwise, join this data to the main one
main_df = main_df.join(df)
main_df.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) # if there are gaps in data, use previously known values
#print(main_df.head()) # how did we do??
main_df['future'] = main_df[f'{RATIO_TO_PREDICT}_close'].shift(-FUTURE_PERIOD_PREDICT)
main_df['target'] = list(map(classify, main_df[f'{RATIO_TO_PREDICT}_close'], main_df['future']))
times = sorted(main_df.index.values) # get the times
last_5pct = sorted(main_df.index.values)[-int(0.05*len(times))] # get the last 5% of the times
validation_main_df = main_df[(main_df.index >= last_5pct)] # make the validation data where the index is in the last 5%
main_df = main_df[(main_df.index < last_5pct)] # now the main_df is all the data up to the last 5%
Continuing along in our preprocess_df
function, we can balance by doing:
buys = [] # list that will store our buy sequences and targets
sells = [] # list that will store our sell sequences and targets
for seq, target in sequential_data: # iterate over the sequential data
if target == 0: # if it's a "not buy"
sells.append([seq, target]) # append to sells list
elif target == 1: # otherwise if the target is a 1...
buys.append([seq, target]) # it's a buy!
random.shuffle(buys) # shuffle the buys
random.shuffle(sells) # shuffle the sells!
lower = min(len(buys), len(sells)) # what's the shorter length?
buys = buys[:lower] # make sure both lists are only up to the shortest length.
sells = sells[:lower] # make sure both lists are only up to the shortest length.
sequential_data = buys+sells # add them together
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # another shuffle, so the model doesn't get confused with all 1 class then the other.
Now, all we need to do is split the data back to featuresets and labels/targets. Easy enough:
X = []
y = []
for seq, target in sequential_data: # going over our new sequential data
X.append(seq) # X is the sequences
y.append(target) # y is the targets/labels (buys vs sell/notbuy)
return np.array(X), y # return X and y...and make X a numpy array! ..import numpy as np
Full function now:
def preprocess_df(df):
df = df.drop("future", 1) # don't need this anymore.
for col in df.columns: # go through all of the columns
if col != "target": # normalize all ... except for the target itself!
df[col] = df[col].pct_change() # pct change "normalizes" the different currencies (each crypto coin has vastly diff values, we're really more interested in the other coin's movements)
df.dropna(inplace=True) # remove the nas created by pct_change
df[col] = preprocessing.scale(df[col].values) # scale between 0 and 1.
df.dropna(inplace=True) # cleanup again... jic.
sequential_data = [] # this is a list that will CONTAIN the sequences
prev_days = deque(maxlen=SEQ_LEN) # These will be our actual sequences. They are made with deque, which keeps the maximum length by popping out older values as new ones come in
for i in df.values: # iterate over the values
prev_days.append([n for n in i[:-1]]) # store all but the target
if len(prev_days) == SEQ_LEN: # make sure we have 60 sequences!
sequential_data.append([np.array(prev_days), i[-1]]) # append those bad boys!
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # shuffle for good measure.
buys = [] # list that will store our buy sequences and targets
sells = [] # list that will store our sell sequences and targets
for seq, target in sequential_data: # iterate over the sequential data
if target == 0: # if it's a "not buy"
sells.append([seq, target]) # append to sells list
elif target == 1: # otherwise if the target is a 1...
buys.append([seq, target]) # it's a buy!
random.shuffle(buys) # shuffle the buys
random.shuffle(sells) # shuffle the sells!
lower = min(len(buys), len(sells)) # what's the shorter length?
buys = buys[:lower] # make sure both lists are only up to the shortest length.
sells = sells[:lower] # make sure both lists are only up to the shortest length.
sequential_data = buys+sells # add them together
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # another shuffle, so the model doesn't get confused with all 1 class then the other.
X = []
y = []
for seq, target in sequential_data: # going over our new sequential data
X.append(seq) # X is the sequences
y.append(target) # y is the targets/labels (buys vs sell/notbuy)
return np.array(X), y # return X and y...and make X a numpy array!
Full code up to this point:
import pandas as pd
from collections import deque
import random
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
SEQ_LEN = 60 # how long of a preceeding sequence to collect for RNN
FUTURE_PERIOD_PREDICT = 3 # how far into the future are we trying to predict?
def classify(current, future):
if float(future) > float(current): # if the future price is higher than the current, that's a buy, or a 1
return 1
else: # otherwise... it's a 0!
return 0
def preprocess_df(df):
df = df.drop("future", 1) # don't need this anymore.
for col in df.columns: # go through all of the columns
if col != "target": # normalize all ... except for the target itself!
df[col] = df[col].pct_change() # pct change "normalizes" the different currencies (each crypto coin has vastly diff values, we're really more interested in the other coin's movements)
df.dropna(inplace=True) # remove the nas created by pct_change
df[col] = preprocessing.scale(df[col].values) # scale between 0 and 1.
df.dropna(inplace=True) # cleanup again... jic. Those nasty NaNs love to creep in.
sequential_data = [] # this is a list that will CONTAIN the sequences
prev_days = deque(maxlen=SEQ_LEN) # These will be our actual sequences. They are made with deque, which keeps the maximum length by popping out older values as new ones come in
for i in df.values: # iterate over the values
prev_days.append([n for n in i[:-1]]) # store all but the target
if len(prev_days) == SEQ_LEN: # make sure we have 60 sequences!
sequential_data.append([np.array(prev_days), i[-1]]) # append those bad boys!
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # shuffle for good measure.
main_df = pd.DataFrame() # begin empty
ratios = ["BTC-USD", "LTC-USD", "BCH-USD", "ETH-USD"] # the 4 ratios we want to consider
for ratio in ratios: # begin iteration
dataset = f'training_datas/{ratio}.csv' # get the full path to the file.
df = pd.read_csv(dataset, names=['time', 'low', 'high', 'open', 'close', 'volume']) # read in specific file
# rename volume and close to include the ticker so we can still which close/volume is which:
df.rename(columns={"close": f"{ratio}_close", "volume": f"{ratio}_volume"}, inplace=True)
df.set_index("time", inplace=True) # set time as index so we can join them on this shared time
df = df[[f"{ratio}_close", f"{ratio}_volume"]] # ignore the other columns besides price and volume
if len(main_df)==0: # if the dataframe is empty
main_df = df # then it's just the current df
else: # otherwise, join this data to the main one
main_df = main_df.join(df)
main_df.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) # if there are gaps in data, use previously known values
#print(main_df.head()) # how did we do??
main_df['future'] = main_df[f'{RATIO_TO_PREDICT}_close'].shift(-FUTURE_PERIOD_PREDICT)
main_df['target'] = list(map(classify, main_df[f'{RATIO_TO_PREDICT}_close'], main_df['future']))
times = sorted(main_df.index.values) # get the times
last_5pct = sorted(main_df.index.values)[-int(0.05*len(times))] # get the last 5% of the times
validation_main_df = main_df[(main_df.index >= last_5pct)] # make the validation data where the index is in the last 5%
main_df = main_df[(main_df.index < last_5pct)] # now the main_df is all the data up to the last 5%
def preprocess_df(df):
df = df.drop("future", 1) # don't need this anymore.
for col in df.columns: # go through all of the columns
if col != "target": # normalize all ... except for the target itself!
df[col] = df[col].pct_change() # pct change "normalizes" the different currencies (each crypto coin has vastly diff values, we're really more interested in the other coin's movements)
df.dropna(inplace=True) # remove the nas created by pct_change
df[col] = preprocessing.scale(df[col].values) # scale between 0 and 1.
df.dropna(inplace=True) # cleanup again... jic.
sequential_data = [] # this is a list that will CONTAIN the sequences
prev_days = deque(maxlen=SEQ_LEN) # These will be our actual sequences. They are made with deque, which keeps the maximum length by popping out older values as new ones come in
for i in df.values: # iterate over the values
prev_days.append([n for n in i[:-1]]) # store all but the target
if len(prev_days) == SEQ_LEN: # make sure we have 60 sequences!
sequential_data.append([np.array(prev_days), i[-1]]) # append those bad boys!
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # shuffle for good measure.
buys = [] # list that will store our buy sequences and targets
sells = [] # list that will store our sell sequences and targets
for seq, target in sequential_data: # iterate over the sequential data
if target == 0: # if it's a "not buy"
sells.append([seq, target]) # append to sells list
elif target == 1: # otherwise if the target is a 1...
buys.append([seq, target]) # it's a buy!
random.shuffle(buys) # shuffle the buys
random.shuffle(sells) # shuffle the sells!
lower = min(len(buys), len(sells)) # what's the shorter length?
buys = buys[:lower] # make sure both lists are only up to the shortest length.
sells = sells[:lower] # make sure both lists are only up to the shortest length.
sequential_data = buys+sells # add them together
random.shuffle(sequential_data) # another shuffle, so the model doesn't get confused with all 1 class then the other.
X = []
y = []
for seq, target in sequential_data: # going over our new sequential data
X.append(seq) # X is the sequences
y.append(target) # y is the targets/labels (buys vs sell/notbuy)
return np.array(X), y # return X and y...and make X a numpy array!
main_df = pd.DataFrame() # begin empty
ratios = ["BTC-USD", "LTC-USD", "BCH-USD", "ETH-USD"] # the 4 ratios we want to consider
for ratio in ratios: # begin iteration
ratio = ratio.split('.csv')[0] # split away the ticker from the file-name
dataset = f'training_datas/{ratio}.csv' # get the full path to the file.
df = pd.read_csv(dataset, names=['time', 'low', 'high', 'open', 'close', 'volume']) # read in specific file
# rename volume and close to include the ticker so we can still which close/volume is which:
df.rename(columns={"close": f"{ratio}_close", "volume": f"{ratio}_volume"}, inplace=True)
df.set_index("time", inplace=True) # set time as index so we can join them on this shared time
df = df[[f"{ratio}_close", f"{ratio}_volume"]] # ignore the other columns besides price and volume
if len(main_df)==0: # if the dataframe is empty
main_df = df # then it's just the current df
else: # otherwise, join this data to the main one
main_df = main_df.join(df)
main_df.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) # if there are gaps in data, use previously known values
#print(main_df.head()) # how did we do??
main_df['future'] = main_df[f'{RATIO_TO_PREDICT}_close'].shift(-FUTURE_PERIOD_PREDICT)
main_df['target'] = list(map(classify, main_df[f'{RATIO_TO_PREDICT}_close'], main_df['future']))
## here, split away some slice of the future data from the main main_df.
times = sorted(main_df.index.values)
last_5pct = sorted(main_df.index.values)[-int(0.05*len(times))]
validation_main_df = main_df[(main_df.index >= last_5pct)]
main_df = main_df[(main_df.index < last_5pct)]
We can now preprocess our data with:
train_x, train_y = preprocess_df(main_df)
validation_x, validation_y = preprocess_df(validation_main_df)
Not the most efficient code ever written, but it does its job. I hope anyway. Hey did I mention: this code is for educational use only!? I am not liable for your losses!
Okay, let's print some stats real quick to make sure things are what we expect:
print(f"train data: {len(train_x)} validation: {len(validation_x)}")
print(f"Dont buys: {train_y.count(0)}, buys: {train_y.count(1)}")
print(f"VALIDATION Dont buys: {validation_y.count(0)}, buys: {validation_y.count(1)}")
In the next tutorial, we'll build our model and train it, finally!