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''' so we suspect that possibly To compare patterns: use a % change calculation to calculate similarity between each %change movement in the pattern finder. From those numbers, subtract them from 100, to get a "how similar" #. From this point, take all 10 of the how similars, and average them. Whichever pattern is MOST similar, is the one we will assume we have found. ''' import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import matplotlib.dates as mdates import numpy as np from numpy import loadtxt import time date,bid,ask = np.loadtxt('GBPUSD1d.txt', unpack=True, delimiter=',', converters={0:mdates.strpdate2num('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}) avgLine = ((bid+ask)/2) ####DEFINE###### #CHANGE# patternAr = [] performanceAr = [] patForRec = [] def percentChange(startPoint,currentPoint): try: return ((float(currentPoint)-startPoint)/abs(startPoint))*100.00 except: return 0 def patternStorage(): ''' The goal of patternFinder is to begin collection of %change patterns in the tick data. From there, we also collect the short-term outcome of this pattern. Later on, the length of the pattern, how far out we look to compare to, and the length of the compared range be changed, and even THAT can be machine learned to find the best of all 3 by comparing success rates. ''' ##### startTime = time.time() # required to do a pattern array, because the liklihood of an identical # %change across millions of patterns is fairly likely and would # cause problems. IF it was a problem of identical patterns, # then it wouldnt matter, but the % change issue # would cause a lot of harm. Cannot have a list as a dictionary Key. #MOVE THE ARRAYS THEMSELVES# x = len(avgLine)-30 y = 11 currentStance = 'none' while y < x: pattern = [] p1 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-9]) p2 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-8]) p3 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-7]) p4 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-6]) p5 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-5]) p6 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-4]) p7 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-3]) p8 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-2]) p9 = percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y-1]) p10= percentChange(avgLine[y-10], avgLine[y]) outcomeRange = avgLine[y+20:y+30] currentPoint = avgLine[y] #Define########################## #########change to try except for safety try: avgOutcome = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, outcomeRange) / len(outcomeRange) except Exception, e: print str(e) avgOutcome = 0 #Define futureOutcome = percentChange(currentPoint, avgOutcome) #print some logics ''' print 'where we are historically:',currentPoint print 'soft outcome of the horizon:',avgOutcome print 'This pattern brings a future change of:',futureOutcome print '_______' print p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10 ''' pattern.append(p1) pattern.append(p2) pattern.append(p3) pattern.append(p4) pattern.append(p5) pattern.append(p6) pattern.append(p7) pattern.append(p8) pattern.append(p9) pattern.append(p10) #can use .index to find the index value, then search for that value to get the matching information. # so like, performanceAr.index(12341) patternAr.append(pattern) performanceAr.append(futureOutcome) y+=1 ##### endTime = time.time() print len(patternAr) print len(performanceAr) print 'Pattern storing took:', endTime-startTime ##### #### #### def patternRecognition(): #mostRecentPoint = avgLine[-1] patForRec = [] cp1 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-10]) cp2 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-9]) cp3 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-8]) cp4 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-7]) cp5 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-6]) cp6 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-5]) cp7 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-4]) cp8 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-3]) cp9 = percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-2]) cp10= percentChange(avgLine[-11],avgLine[-1]) patForRec.append(cp1) patForRec.append(cp2) patForRec.append(cp3) patForRec.append(cp4) patForRec.append(cp5) patForRec.append(cp6) patForRec.append(cp7) patForRec.append(cp8) patForRec.append(cp9) patForRec.append(cp10) print patForRec def graphRawFX(): fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10,7)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((40,40), (0,0), rowspan=40, colspan=40) ax1.plot(date,bid) ax1.plot(date,ask) ax1.plot(date,percentChange(ask[0],ask),'r') ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) plt.grid(True) for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) plt.gca().get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax1_2 = ax1.twinx() ax1_2.fill_between(date, 0, (ask-bid), facecolor='g',alpha=.3) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.23) plt.show()