Python Stock Screener for Price to Book

Now that we have something that locates the price-to-book ratio for a company that we ask it it, making the step to a stock screener is extremtly simple. All we need to do from here is get a list of companies, pass them through the function, and look for values greater than or less than whatever we want to set.

import time
import urllib2
from urllib2 import urlopen

sp500 = ['a', 'aa', 'aapl', 'abbv', 'abc', 'abt', 'ace', 'aci', 'acn', 'act', 'adbe', 'adi', 'adm', 'adp', 'adsk', 'adt', 'aee', 'aeo', 'aep', 'aes', 'aet', 'afl', 'agn', 'aig', 'aiv', 'aiz', 'akam', 'all', 'altr', 'alxn', 'amat', 'amd', 'amgn', 'amp', 'amt', 'amzn', 'an', 'anf', 'ann', 'aon', 'apa', 'apc', 'apd', 'aph', 'apol', 'arg', 'arna', 'aro', 'ati', 'atvi', 'avb', 'avp', 'avy', 'axp', 'azo', 'ba', 'bac', 'bax', 'bbby', 'bbry', 'bbt', 'bby', 'bcr', 'bdx', 'beam', 'ben', 'bf-b', 'bhi', 'big', 'biib', 'bk', 'bks', 'blk', 'bll', 'bmc', 'bms', 'bmy', 'brcm', 'brk-b', 'bsx', 'btu', 'bwa', 'bxp', 'c', 'ca', 'cab', 'cag', 'cah', 'cam', 'cat', 'cb', 'cbg', 'cbs', 'cce', 'cci', 'ccl', 'celg', 'cern', 'cf', 'cfn', 'chk', 'chrw', 'ci', 'cim', 'cinf', 'cl', 'clf', 'clx', 'cma', 'cmcsa', 'cme', 'cmg', 'cmi', 'cms', 'cnp', 'cnx', 'cof', 'cog', 'coh', 'col', 'cop', 'cost', 'cov', 'cpb', 'crm', 'csc', 'csco', 'csx', 'ctas', 'ctl', 'ctsh', 'ctxs', 'cvc', 'cvs', 'cvx', 'd', 'dal', 'dd', 'dds', 'de', 'dell', 'df', 'dfs', 'dg', 'dgx', 'dhi', 'dhr', 'dis', 'disca', 'dks', 'dlph', 'dltr', 'dlx', 'dnb', 'dnr', 'do', 'dov', 'dow', 'dps', 'dri', 'dsw', 'dte', 'dtv', 'duk', 'dva', 'dvn', 'ea', 'ebay', 'ecl', 'ed', 'efx', 'eix', 'el', 'emc', 'emn', 'emr', 'eog', 'eqr', 'eqt', 'esrx', 'esv', 'etfc', 'etn', 'etr', 'ew', 'exc', 'expd', 'expe', 'expr', 'f', 'fast', 'fb', 'fcx', 'fdo', 'fdx', 'fe', 'ffiv', 'fhn', 'fis', 'fisv', 'fitb', 'fl', 'flir', 'flr', 'fls', 'flws', 'fmc', 'fosl', 'frx', 'fslr', 'fti', 'ftr', 'gas', 'gci', 'gd', 'ge', 'ges', 'gild', 'gis', 'glw', 'gm', 'gmcr', 'gme', 'gnw', 'goog', 'gpc', 'gps', 'grmn', 'grpn', 'gs', 'gt', 'gww', 'hal', 'har', 'has', 'hban', 'hcbk', 'hcn', 'hcp', 'hd', 'hes', 'hig', 'hog', 'hon', 'hot', 'hov', 'hp', 'hpq', 'hrb', 'hrl', 'hrs', 'hsp', 'hst', 'hsy', 'hum', 'ibm', 'ice', 'iff', 'igt', 'intc', 'intu', 'ip', 'ipg', 'ir', 'irm', 'isrg', 'itw', 'ivz', 'jbl', 'jci', 'jcp', 'jdsu', 'jec', 'jnj', 'jnpr', 'josb', 'joy', 'jpm', 'jwn', 'k', 'key', 'kim', 'klac', 'kmb', 'kmi', 'kmx', 'ko', 'kr', 'krft', 'kss', 'ksu', 'l', 'leg', 'len', 'lh', 'life', 'lll', 'lltc', 'lly', 'lm', 'lmt', 'lnc', 'lo', 'low', 'lrcx', 'lsi', 'ltd', 'luk', 'luv', 'lyb', 'm', 'ma', 'mac', 'mar', 'mas', 'mat', 'mcd', 'mchp', 'mck', 'mco', 'mcp', 'mdlz', 'mdt', 'met', 'mgm', 'mhfi', 'mjn', 'mkc', 'mmc', 'mmm', 'mnst', 'mo', 'molx', 'mon', 'mos', 'mpc', 'mrk', 'mro', 'ms', 'msft', 'msi', 'mtb', 'mu', 'mur', 'mwv', 'myl', 'nbl', 'nbr', 'ndaq', 'ne', 'nee', 'nem', 'nflx', 'nfx', 'ni', 'nile', 'nke', 'nly', 'noc', 'nok', 'nov', 'nrg', 'nsc', 'ntap', 'ntri', 'ntrs', 'nu', 'nue', 'nvda', 'nwl', 'nwsa', 'nyx', 'oi', 'oke', 'omc', 'orcl', 'orly', 'oxy', 'p', 'payx', 'pbct', 'pbi', 'pcar', 'pcg', 'pcl', 'pcln', 'pcp', 'pdco', 'peg', 'pep', 'petm', 'pets', 'pfe', 'pfg', 'pg', 'pgr', 'ph', 'phm', 'pki', 'pld', 'pll', 'pm', 'pnc', 'pnr', 'pnw', 'pom', 'ppg', 'ppl', 'prgo', 'pru', 'psa', 'psx', 'pwr', 'px', 'pxd', 'qcom', 'qep', 'r', 'rai', 'rdc', 'rf', 'rhi', 'rht', 'rl', 'rok', 'rop', 'rost', 'rrc', 'rsg', 'rsh', 'rtn', 's', 'sai', 'sbux', 'scg', 'schl', 'schw', 'sd', 'se', 'see', 'sfly', 'shld', 'shw', 'sial', 'siri', 'sjm', 'sks', 'slb', 'slm', 'sna', 'sndk', 'sne', 'sni', 'so', 'spg', 'spls', 'srcl', 'sre', 'sti', 'stj', 'stt', 'stx', 'stz', 'swk', 'swn', 'swy', 'syk', 'symc', 'syy', 't', 'tap', 'tdc', 'te', 'teg', 'tel', 'ter', 'tgt', 'thc', 'tibx', 'tif', 'tjx', 'tm', 'tmk', 'tmo', 'trip', 'trow', 'trv', 'tsla', 'tsn', 'tso', 'tss', 'twc', 'twx', 'txn', 'txt', 'tyc', 'ua', 'unh', 'unm', 'unp', 'ups', 'urbn', 'usb', 'utx', 'v', 'vale', 'var', 'vfc', 'viab', 'vitc', 'vlo', 'vmc', 'vno', 'vprt', 'vrsn', 'vtr', 'vz', 'wag', 'wat', 'wdc', 'wec', 'wfc', 'wfm', 'whr', 'win', 'wlp', 'wm', 'wmb', 'wmt', 'wpo', 'wpx', 'wtw', 'wu', 'wy', 'wyn', 'wynn', 'x', 'xel', 'xl', 'xlnx', 'xom', 'xray', 'xrx', 'xyl', 'yhoo', 'yum', 'zion', 'zlc', 'zmh', 'znga', 'camp', 'cldx', 'ecyt', 'gtn', 'htz', 'nus', 'pvtb', 'qdel', 'snts', 'wgo', 'wwww']
sp500short = ['a', 'aa', 'aapl', 'abbv', 'abc', 'abt', 'ace', 'aci', 'acn', 'act', 'adbe', 'adi', 'adm', 'adp']

def yahooKeyStats(stock):
        sourceCode = urllib2.urlopen(''+stock).read()
        pbr = sourceCode.split('Price/Book (mrq):</td><td class="yfnc_tabledata1">')[1].split('</td>')[0]

        if float(pbr) < .70:
            print 'price to book ratio:',stock,pbr

    except Exception,e:
        print 'failed in the main loop',str(e)

for eachStock in sp500short:

The next tutorial:

  • Programming for Fundamental Investing
  • Getting Company Data
  • Price to Book ratio example
  • Python Stock Screener for Price to Book
  • Python Screener for PEG Ratio
  • Adding Price to Earnings
  • Getting all Russell 3000 stock tickers
  • Getting all Russell 3000 stock tickers part 2
  • More stock Screening
  • Completing Basic Stock Screener
  • Connecting with Quandl for Annual Earnings Data
  • Organizing Earnings Data
  • Graphing Finance Data
  • Finishing the Graphing
  • Adding the Graphing to the Screener
  • Preparing figure to Accept Finance Data
  • Adding Historical Earnings to Stock Screener Chart Data
  • Completing the Fundamental Investing Stock Screeners