Go Language Syntax

Welcome to part 2 of the Go programming tutorial series. In the previous tutorial, we got everything set up and ran our first basic program, along with explaining some of what is going on. Here, I plan to further explain some more of our options, and more of how to understand how Go is working and how it can work for you.

You're always going to start with the package information, which, for now, will just be

package main

Next you would do your imports. Most of the time, you wont have just a single package you want to import. Let's say you have two. You *could* do:

import "fmt"
import "math"

But the style convention for Go Lang suggests you do the following instead:

import (

Now your full script might look like:

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("The square root of 4 is",math.Sqrt(4))

This time we're using the Sqrt function from the math library, which is short for square root, so it just returns the square root of the number we pass in the parameters. The parameters go inside the parenthesis.

Another question you might be already wondering, is how come the our main function is running? We only are defining it here, we never asked it to run! In Go, the main function runs automatically. For example, if we did:

package main

import (

func foo() {
	fmt.Println("The square root of 4 is",math.Sqrt(4))

func main() {


Nothing would happen, because we've only defined foo, but we never call it to run, and our main function has nothing happening in it. To run foo(), we could run it from the main function:

package main

import (

func foo() {
	fmt.Println("The square root of 4 is",math.Sqrt(4))

func main() {

Another subtlety in Go is the casing of the functions. You'll notice that the functions we've made so far start with lower-case letters, but you might have noticed that all of the functions we've been using have upper-case letters to start. What's the deal there? It turns out this is actually an enforced standard in Go, where functions are either "exported" or "unexported". For a function to be used outside of its package (like how we're attempting to use math.Sqrt, but outside of the math package), it needs to be an "exported" function. If we imported the file we just made, we would not be able to use the foo function, for example.

One more note for me to make about imports is when packages are contained within packages. So far, all of the functions we've used have been directly inside of the packages we've imported, but what if we want to access something like a random number? Well this could be done using the rand package from within the math package. In order to do this, we need to first import the rand package, changing our import statement to:

import (

So we can reference packages within packages with the forward slash. Now we can use the Intn function from the rand package like so:


All together now:

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("It is currently:",time.Now())
	fmt.Println("A number from 1-100", rand.Intn(100))


If you're ever curious to know more about the function that you're using, you can use godoc from your command line, like so:

godoc fmt Println

Which should return:

func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
    Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to
    standard output. Spaces are always added between operands and a newline
    is appended. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error

The next tutorial:

  • Introduction to the Go Programming Language
  • Go Language Syntax
  • Go Language Types
  • Pointers in Go Programming
  • Simple Web App in Go Programming
  • Structs in the Go Programming Language
  • Methods in Go Programming
  • Pointer Receivers in Go Programming
  • More Web Dev in Go Language
  • Acessing the Internet in Go
  • Parsing XML with Go Programming
  • Looping in Go Programming
  • Continuing our Go Web application
  • Mapping in Golang
  • Mapping Golang sitemap data
  • Golang Web App HTML Templating
  • Applying templating to our Golang web app
  • Goroutines - Concurrency in Goprogramming
  • Synchronizing Goroutines - Concurrency in Golang
  • Defer - Golang
  • Panic and Recover in Go Programming
  • Go Channels - Concurrency in Go
  • Go Channels buffering, iteration, and synchronization
  • Adding Concurrency to speed up our Golang Web Application