Mapping Golang sitemap data

Welcome to part 15 of the Go programming tutorial series, where we'll be incorporating a map into our sitemap that we've pulled.

One issue we're going to come across immediately is when we find ourselves wanting to store 2 or more values in the map's value, because we can only specify one type. Have we any idea for how to create a type that contains multiple values? Sure we do! Structs! So, let's make our NewsMap struct:

type NewsMap struct {
	Keyword string
	Location string

In this case, our values inside are just 2 strings, but we could have chosen many types, even more custom types!

Now, our code up to this point:

package main

import (

type Sitemapindex struct {
	Locations []string `xml:"sitemap>loc"`

type News struct {
	Titles []string `xml:"url>news>title"`
	Keywords []string `xml:"url>news>keywords"`
	Locations []string `xml:"url>loc"`

type NewsMap struct {
	Keyword string
	Location string

func main() {
	var s Sitemapindex
	var n News
	resp, _ := http.Get("")
	bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &s)
	for _, Location := range s.Locations {
		resp, _ := http.Get(Location)
		bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &n)

What we'd like to do now is iterate through n, and store our values into a map of the NewsMap type. First, before we iterate over the sitemap locations, let's add:

news_map := make(map[string]NewsMap)

So we have:

func main() {
	var s Sitemapindex
	var n News
	resp, _ := http.Get("")
	bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &s)
	news_map := make(map[string]NewsMap)

	for _, Location := range s.Locations { ...

Next, after we've unmarshaled our data into our n, News type, we can populate our map with:

		for idx, _ := range n.Keywords {
			news_map[n.Titles[idx]] = NewsMap{n.Keywords[idx], n.Locations[idx]}

Then, our full main function will look like:

func main() {
	var s Sitemapindex
	var n News
	resp, _ := http.Get("")
	bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &s)
	news_map := make(map[string]NewsMap)

	for _, Location := range s.Locations {
		resp, _ := http.Get(Location)
		bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &n)

		for idx, _ := range n.Keywords {
			news_map[n.Titles[idx]] = NewsMap{n.Keywords[idx], n.Locations[idx]}

Next, what if we wanted to iterate over our map? We can do:

	for idx, data := range news_map {

Full code up to this point:

package main

import (

type Sitemapindex struct {
	Locations []string `xml:"sitemap>loc"`

type News struct {
	Titles []string `xml:"url>news>title"`
	Keywords []string `xml:"url>news>keywords"`
	Locations []string `xml:"url>loc"`

type NewsMap struct {
	Keyword string
	Location string

func main() {
	var s Sitemapindex
	var n News
	resp, _ := http.Get("")
	bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &s)
	news_map := make(map[string]NewsMap)

	for _, Location := range s.Locations {
		resp, _ := http.Get(Location)
		bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &n)

		for idx, _ := range n.Keywords {
			news_map[n.Titles[idx]] = NewsMap{n.Keywords[idx], n.Locations[idx]}
	for idx, data := range news_map {

Now, we've got the data we're interested in, and formatted in such a way that we could iterate through it. Next, we'll be back working with our web app.

The next tutorial:

  • Introduction to the Go Programming Language
  • Go Language Syntax
  • Go Language Types
  • Pointers in Go Programming
  • Simple Web App in Go Programming
  • Structs in the Go Programming Language
  • Methods in Go Programming
  • Pointer Receivers in Go Programming
  • More Web Dev in Go Language
  • Acessing the Internet in Go
  • Parsing XML with Go Programming
  • Looping in Go Programming
  • Continuing our Go Web application
  • Mapping in Golang
  • Mapping Golang sitemap data
  • Golang Web App HTML Templating
  • Applying templating to our Golang web app
  • Goroutines - Concurrency in Goprogramming
  • Synchronizing Goroutines - Concurrency in Golang
  • Defer - Golang
  • Panic and Recover in Go Programming
  • Go Channels - Concurrency in Go
  • Go Channels buffering, iteration, and synchronization
  • Adding Concurrency to speed up our Golang Web Application